Artificial lighting impact assessment study

The atmosphere such as moisture vapour, including clouds and natural or man-made dust; the more the particulates; the greater the sky glow. Night-time lighting assessment of the lighting infrastructure. A review of the relevant literature will be conducted and an outline of the legislation and standards applicable to artificial lighting management will be presented. This review will be conducted in consultation with a workplace lighting expert.

A Typical Artificial Lighting Impact Assessment:

For example, when turtles (hatchlings or adults) are close to the dune, the high shielding angle of the dune combined with the limited vertical angle of view of turtles mean that any sky glow is not likely to be noticed from such locations. From positions closer to the water’s edge, sky glow potentially has a greater influence as the shielding angle of the dune is lower which means sky closer to the luminaires is visible and the region is more likely to be within the upper limits of a turtle’s vertical viewing angle.

  1. Findings from on-site survey of existing lighting infrastructure.
  2. An outline of relevant legislation and standards applicable to artificial lighting.
  3. A desktop assessment of wildlife in the area that may be affected by artificial lighting, specifically Sea turtles, seabirds and listed/protected wildlife and how the wildlife is likely to be affected.
  4. An outline of best practice lighting design. The application of best practice lighting design needs be used to reduce sky glow and minimise the impact of artificial light at night on wildlife. The Best Practice Lighting Design principles described in the relevant legislation, standards and guidelines will need to be outlined and used as a basis to identify management actions.
  5. Identification of management actions that can take to minimise impacts on wildlife from artificial lighting.